
“I am alone here in my own mind.

There is no map, and there is no road.”

–Anne Sexton

I am nonsensical. I am alotta things but for you, I am a writer.

I am a poet, a writer of short stories, a copywriter, and an freelance writer. I’m also a writer at Bolde, where we discuss sex, dating, and life as millennial women!

Words, as a form of expression, is my expertise.

This blog will cover many subjects but the main focuses are addiction, chronic pain, and mental health.

I live in the middle of a cornfield in Iowa with my fiance, doggos, & kitties.

If you are interested in hiring me for my writing services, head over to my Contact page & drop your information or e-mail me at caseyelizad@gmail. Please let me know what it’s regarding in the subject line!

If you are interested in my work but still on the fence, check out my website!

If you like my work, please subscribe or follow! Check out the column to the right!