The New Year Blues

The first few days of 2020 have been tough on me. I was down and out. Other people are thinking ahead but I'm always thinking of the past. I'm not anywhere where I would like to be in life. At first, I thought I was slipping back into a bipolar depression episode and was terrified.… Continue reading The New Year Blues


My lovely loyal readers, I would love you opinions on a few things. First, I'm considering moving any articles I've written about mental health on my writer blog over to this blog. And then turning that blog into a blog about freelance writing. This blog would have both informational articles & my experiences. What do… Continue reading Opinions?

Trapped by Social Anxiety

I've always struggled with anxiety. For as long as I can remember, anxiety has ruled my life and it's controlled my inner dialogue. My anxious thoughts remind me I'm inferior and they convince me everyone is judging me. Anxiety decides I need to try on 50 outfits before I head out the door. Anxiety decides… Continue reading Trapped by Social Anxiety

Anxiety Dreaming

I wake up from apocalyptic dreams, my body twisted in the blankets. I'm not scared because this is the 5th end-of-the-world dream I've had since Christmas. Each dream plays out a different scenario. In one dream, we're in the middle of a nuclear war.  In another dream, there's lava spilling onto streets. I've had anxiety… Continue reading Anxiety Dreaming